The smoothie. A mama's best friend.

As I stated in my earlier post, I have a culinarily challenged eater. I try to avoid saying picky, as it sounds so negative, and also gives a clever preschooler a title to use for himself whenever he doesn’t want to try a new food. That being said, we could have it worse. His go to dinner is tofu and brown rice with artichokes. He eats raw carrots, occasionally beets with goat cheese, and now kale pesto!  But he would also gladly consume pizza everyday of his little life, and I worry sometimes, that he’ll wake up one morning as a quesadilla. On these days, to accompany the raw honey slathered, frozen Trader Joes waffle that has become a breakfast staple, I’ll whiz him up a smoothie, and feel sooo much better about his diet, as well as myself as a mother. 
(I’m not kidding about that last part, it really does make me feel like I’ve scored a few points)
The beautiful thing about smoothies (considering your child likes liquid) is that there is no wrong way to do it! Sure, you can go by a recipe, and there are a billion out there, but you can also just go by your FRIDGE, and use what you already have! (Personally, my favorite kind of recipe) So I’ll tell you what I’ve been making lately.

*1 frozen banana (No more banana graveyard on my counter, yay! When they get too ripe, I peel them and throw them in the freezer)
*Hand full of frozen strawberries
*Any fresh fruit available (blueberries, peach, pear, apple)
*Vanilla yogurt
*Apple Juice
*Chocolate Protein Powder
*Green powder
*Flax oil or ground flax seed
*Sunflower seed butter or any nut butter of choice
*Rice milk (Our milk fave, use whatever’s yours)
*Huge hand full of fresh spinach (literally the only time, currently, boy is 
ingesting spinach willingly)
*You can even throw some liquid egg whites in for extra extra protein!

And that’s it mamas! I don't measure really, just add by taste. Measuring anything before the sun is up? oh please! Puree and serve! There are so many options, it’s crazy! I know one mama who does kale and blueberries, and one that does an ALL green beauty! 
What works for your brood?? 
Share your favorite recipe, and let's get whizzing! (I like that word...)
xo Melanie

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